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Meet Mr. Ortega

Q: Please introduce yourself.

Howdy! My name is Caleb Ortega. I am a business major, with a minor in Sports Management from McAllen, Texas, but more importantly I am a loud and proud member of the Fightin’ Texas Aggie Class of 2018!

Q: What position will you fulfill next year?

For this upcoming year, I will be serving as Squadron Six’s Guidon Bearer, Athletics Corporal, and a Fire-Team Leader. My buddies and I are looking forward to the opportunity to train and develop the class of 2019 into mentality and physically strong cadets.

Q: What are some of the leadership lessons that you have gained from being at Texas A&M?

My time at Texas A&M has tremendously affected my growth as a leader. Even outside the Corps environment, the almost 1,000 clubs and organizations at A&M provide every Aggie with the opportunity to contribute to something bigger than themselves every single day. In my experience I have learned that leadership requires a thorough understanding of responsibility, teamwork, and the meaning of followership. Without a firm foundation in these three fundamentals, success is unattainable.

The Corps of Cadets is centered on the idea of building young men and women into leaders who uphold its core values of honor, courage, integrity, discipline, and selfless service. Nothing as serious as leadership should ever be assumed lightly, rather the right to lead should be earned. At Texas A&M University, students earn this right to lead through absorbing these values and grafting them into their character. Ultimately, with the help of the great leaders the Corps has set in place, anyone can grow and succeed no matter what place they are starting from. As Proverbs 11:14 says, “Where there is no guidance, a people falls; but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.”

Q: What is your favorite part about being a member of the Corps?

Being a member of the Corps of Cadets is not something that I take for granted. The experiences that I have already received from my time here are ones that I will remember for the rest of my life. Nevertheless, it is the people who make up the Corps that make the experience worthwhile. My buddies are, by far, my favorite part of being a member of the Corps of Cadets. As freshmen we used to jokingly say, “Let’s suffer together,” but in an odd way the shared pain is a big part of what made everything fun and exhilarating.

We grew in those times when we had to push ourselves past our initial limits. When my mind told me I couldn’t do one more set, my buddies showed me otherwise. When it seemed impossible to ace a test, it was my buddies who helped me study. Being a part of the Corps is far more than a dorm placement or resume builder. It is being a part of a family, filled with brothers and sisters who really have your best interest at heart as well as their own.

Q: What would you like to do after your time here at A&M?

I am currently pursuing a commission as an Air Force Officer, and hope to serve my country upon graduating from Mays Business School at Texas A&M. In the long run, I hope to attend Harvard law

school and enter the sports industry as an agent for basketball and football players.

Q: Which movies are you most excited to see this summer?

This summer I was most excited to see Jurassic World, and it did not disappoint! Although I am a huge Marvel fan, Avengers: Age of Ultron was not as great as I had hoped, and Ant-Man speaks for itself. Although it seems a little odd, I also expect Minions to be a great comedy for my two sisters and I to watch together this summer.

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